Letras con acordes

> # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Sueños Negros

Ya lo había dejado

Tabbed by Nestor Sadao Arechiga Cervantes

Well, I that it is a beautiful song hopes them to like and I soon will send them the next songs of this so good group
I believe that it is of the best that has Mexico.
well it is everything I hope them to like  

 First guitar 

Second guitar

This makes him during all the verses
and after, in the chorus make sometimes

First guitar

Second guitar

Then solo






Letra con acordes de Ya lo había dejado de Sueños Negros, acordes de guitarra de Ya lo había dejado, bajo, piano... de Sueños Negros. Subir una canción